What is ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Although most commonly diagnosed in children, ADHD can also affect adults of both genders, particularly if left untreated during childhood. Individuals with ADHD often struggle with retaining information, maintaining focus, and concentrating.
Signs of ADHD Symptoms?
Signs of inattention in people with ADHD may include:
Being easily distracted and jumping from one activity to another
Becoming bored with tasks quickly
Having difficulty focusing or completing a task
Struggling with completing assignments
Losing things like keys or other possessions
Not listening or paying attention when spoken to
Daydreaming or having a lack of motivation
Struggling to process information quickly
Difficulty following directions
Signs of hyperactivity may include:
Fidgeting and squirming, having trouble sitting still
Non-stop talking
Touching or playing with everything
Having difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities
Signs of impulsivity may include:
Acting without regard for consequences or blurting things out
Difficulty taking turns, waiting, or sharing
Interrupting others.
How Is ADHD Treated?
Dr. Chen develops personalized treatment plans for each patient diagnosed with ADHD. The assessment involves a comprehensive medical history and completion of questionnaires by both the patient and close individuals. Various medications, including stimulants, non-stimulants, and antidepressants, may be prescribed to help individuals with hyperactivity improve their attention and concentration. Additionally, patients can benefit from behavioral therapy and ADHD coaching, where they learn self-awareness, strategies, skills, and systems that can help them reach their full potential.